WhatsApp has introduced a fresh update to make message reactions faster and more personalized. In its latest iOS beta release (version, WhatsApp now allows users to access their recently used emojis directly from the reaction tray, saving time and adding convenience for those who frequently respond with emojis. Instead of scrolling through the entire emoji gallery, users can quickly pick a recent favorite, making it easier to react naturally and spontaneously. Currently, the feature is in its beta phase and available to select users, but WhatsApp plans to roll it out to everyone soon.
This update is just one of the many enhancements WhatsApp has introduced to improve user experience. The addition of recently used emojis in the reaction tray builds on the app’s previous emoji reaction feature, launched in response to user demand for more diverse and expressive messaging options. With this latest addition, users will be able to customize their responses and convey emotions more precisely, especially when certain emojis become their go-to reactions. This update reflects a broader trend in social media apps prioritizing personalization and convenience to keep engagement high and interactions meaningful.
Alongside the recent emoji access, WhatsApp is planning to introduce a new “care” emoji in upcoming updates. This emoji, a symbol of a heart being hugged, represents care and compassion, echoing the “care” emoji introduced by Facebook during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new addition offers users another way to express support, empathy, and solidarity in conversations, particularly during challenging times.
Users eager to try out these updates can check if they’re part of the beta group by updating their WhatsApp app. As WhatsApp continues to evolve with new and user-focused features, it’s clear that the platform remains dedicated to keeping its billions of users connected in more expressive and intuitive ways.